
News / Azerbaijan and Malta sign cooperation agreements
On 29 April 2016, Malta and Azerbaijan signed three agreements concerning the Convention for the Elimination of Double Taxation with respect to income and prevention of tax avoidance, the Agreement on Cooperation in Youth and Sports fields and the Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Consultations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Malta.

The two ministers, Elmar Mammadyarov of Azerbaijan and George W. Vella of Malta, met in Baku as part of an official visit and discussed the broadening of cooperation and bilateral ties between Azerbaijan and Malta in areas such as economy, energy and tourism.

More precisely, the two countries are looking into expanding upon existing potential in the commercial, investment, educational areas.  

Further details will be posted once the provisions of the treaty become available.

Source: Malta , 30 April 2016.

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